To end predatory debt so we can build a more equitable society together.
Our mission
For many, consumer debt is the number one barrier for individuals looking to buy a car, become homeowners, seek out higher education, start a business, or advance their overall quality of life.
The predatory debt industry has created an unprecedented economic crisis in which many Americans, especially in BIPOC communities, see no way out. In the United States, consumer debt is more than $16 trillion and rising and Debtless is committed to canceling predatory debt and restoring our financial future.
At Debtless, we are driven by our core belief that no one should have to suffer the burden of debt at the expense of their -
or quality of life.
At Debtless, we understand that debt is not just an economic justice issue, but when this predatory industry disproportionately affects women and communities of color, debt is a racial equity issue and gender equity issue.
Debtless exists to uplift the communities in need and create a debt cancelation structure that provides a much needed financial relief to people across the country.
“Debt is the slavery of the free. ”